Running Community, DENIED, & They Have Returned

FRIDAY EVE!!!! Well. These have returned.


We got some snow yesterday. Nothing like the 4-8” they were predicting, but still. It’s APRIL 10th!


I also tried to switch-up my schedule yesterday morning and read at the kitchen table. I don’t think Brady approved.


Disclaimer: I received an annual Strava Summit subscription and Strava merchandise as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!

I’m also NEW ON STRAVA! Yes, I know. It’s been around for a million years and HOW did it take me so long. Well, I suppose I can put it into perspective and I never even got a Facebook Account until I was graduating High School (does this make me seem young or old? I’m not sure.) in 2008! You can find me here. So far, I’m finding it super motivating to find other runners on there!


As the super competitive person that I am, I also love how you can see your stats (hello, I’m also a data-nerd) and compete with other members in the clubs that you join!


You can also join RACE GROUP clubs like the NEDD Mt. Washington Road Race. How cool is that be able to follow along on others journeys as you train for the same race?


It’s super easy to either start the recording for your activity (running, biking, walking, hiking, canoeing, OR e-bike riding) OR manually put in your information after your workout (like I did yesterday afternoon after my tempo treadmill miles)! You can also give others kudos, which how cool is that?!? It’s basically like having a ‘virtual cheerleader’ with you pushing you along on your activity! I think it will be fun to track my data over time and to be able to see all the stats that the app provides (charts, elevation, maps, etc.).


ALSO can you PLEASE help me on what I should get for my birthday gift?!? I have about a million items in my shopping cart !



-Are you on Strava? Let’s be friends!

-What should I order as my ‘birthday bird’ item?!?

-What’s the weather where you are?

-Fan of the Bean Boots?

Training Tuesday: AfterShokz Trekz Air PRODUCT REVIEW & Must Listen.

"Disclaimer: I received an Trekz Air Titanium Wireless Headphones to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!"


Happy Tuesday! WOW. Am I TIRED. Ha. It’s finally starting to catch-up to me, so I’m upping my fluid-intact, sleep, stretching/foam rolling 2x a day, and eating super healthy. I’ve got some stressful weeks ahead of me before the marathon, so I’m trying to everything I can to minimize the stress. Come Wednesday, I’ll have all of my “long long" runs behind me so I’ll begin to taper, which I think should relieve some of that stress (but honestly the taper is sometimes a bit stressful to me too).

Before we get into my AfterShokz product review, I NEED to share with you a podcast episode that I listened to on my long run Saturday. THIS podcast episode was mind-blowing and honestly it gets me even more excited to read her book (I just picked it up from the library). Super informative and I think that I’d like to build my next training cycle around my hormones if I can somehow figure them out??

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On a side note, you probably know by now that I’ve been testing out my AfterShokz Trekz Air headphones for a few weeks now- including on my 28 mile long run last week! Side note: I must have been slightly delirious by my last 7-mile segment because I definitely put my vest on the wrong way…Whoops.


I’m happy to report that they lasted the entire 4 and something hours I was out there. So that is definitely a bonus. But first, let’s back-track to the beautiful packaging they come in. Stella is also very interested.


So sleek and they come in this great case that my cat, Brady also equally loves (he actually picks it out of wherever I hide it and carry it about the house). I wish I had a photo to share, but he normally drops it by my feet before I can snag one!


I got the slate color and they came with also a charging cord and a 2-year warranty. I love that they have a 6-hour battery. They will get me through an entire marathon and a good majority of my 50 miler (which is perfect because I normally like to save music/podcasts as a ‘treat’ in the later miles of a race). I also really like that you can take calls from them (or ahem…ignore them…I’m looking at you telemarketers!) and they are sweat resistant.

Can ya tell I like to wear this visor a lot? Ha. I should probably wash it…

Can ya tell I like to wear this visor a lot? Ha. I should probably wash it…

One of the biggest pet-peeves that I find with ANYTHING wired is how absolutely disgusting that wire feels when you get sweaty. You know what I’m talking about… it gets coated and slimy and ugh. it’s like those really humid days where even wearing a shirt is pointless because it just gets drenched two seconds into your run. I also wondered about the bone-conduction technology. I thought it was SO COOL, but also kinda weird? Like, would I feel it in my jaw (I’ve got TMJ)? Would it move all about and prevent me from catching up on my latest podcast?

I can 100% say for certain that it didn’t feel weird and they never moved on me ONCE! I never felt them and really love how mindful I am now on the run. I don’t tune everything out and come back from my run feeling more rejuvenated and at-ease with myself as opposed to tuning out the birds chirping, cars driving by, the quietness of a morning run. They are so much safer on the roads and I can’t wait to try them on the trails this summer. I know that I’ll be able to hear wildlife approaching, mountain bikers zooming down the trail, and fellow runners coming up behind me (all of my biggest fears when on the trails alone).

Aftershokz also has an amazing video about the headphones, which I’ll share below incase you’re interested! They are so light as well. Don’t forget to get yourself a discount code if you want to try a pair out for yourself.


Ever done a training cycled that has followed your hormones?

Favorite part about running outside?

Last favorite podcast episode you listened to?

7 THINGS: That Was Fun, Not Very Comfortable?, & I Did A Thing

Well I did it. 28 miles on Saturday. It was amazing, fun, not as challenging as I expected, and really confidence-boosting. I used my car as an “aid station” and broke each segment up into 7 miles. I had 4 different 7 mile out-and-backs that I used (all different directions to keep it fun) and would take a gel when I turned around, change my shoes when I got back to my car, and force myself to eat & drink something before heading back out for the next 7 mile segment. I did 2 pit-stops to pee, but otherwise didn’t stop. It was still relatively flat, but I had gained over 3,000’ the previous 4 days from my runs, so didn’t necessarily want to go crazy with the hills for my run. I’m excited to be almost at the taper! Just a few more high-mileage days left. 20 days until Eugene!


Post- 28 miler deliciousness. Jerk TurkeyLT from Meat & Seafood Company for the win.


Maple did not look very comfortable bird-watching this weekend…or maybe she was? I never know what goes on through our cats minds…


Picked up 2 new books at the library! Super excited for ROAR.


The best dinner after my long run. Sirloin Steak (Meat & Seafood Comp. was having their Anniversary sale and we snagged this baby for $12!), sweet potatoes, and edamame.


Sunday runday in almost SIXTY DEGREE WEATHER?!?


I did a thing too. MS Virtual Run for the start of the 2019 Relay! The medal was SO CUTE too!



-Ever split up a long run into smaller segments to make it seem more manageable?

-Favorite post-long run dinner?

-Weirdest place/position your cat have ever bird watched?

CURRENTLY: Perfect Weather, Loving These, Nurturing Ourselves, And Good Morning?

Happy FRIDAY! I’m SUPER HAPPY THIS WEEK IS ALMOST BEHIND ME (can’t you tell how excited I am with the ALL CAPS?!?). It has been struggle-city with Alex away, extra stress at work, extra miles on the training schedule, and just feeling a bit crazy in all regards (aren’t we all? ; ) ) . On the plus side, it’s been the PERFECT running weather here finally (at least in my book)


Also still really loving the AfterShokz Trekz Air wireless headphones (get a discount for them here). I had my tempo run yesterday and had to wear wired headphones —> it makes me wonder how did I ever function without bluetooth headphones for so many years?!?


I am trying to get in extra GOOD wholesome calories while my mileage increases and homemade pizza dough (from this cookbook) with Pesto, Mozzarella, Zucchini, Black Olives, and Broccoli really hit the spot.


I’m re-reading Deena Kastor’s book (here) and feel like I only want to read 10 pages at a time because it’s SO GOOD. I loved this part about how she began to nurture herself. I’ve got some nurturing myself planned for tomorrow morning —> Getting up at my normal weekday time (5am), driving to Steamboat (where it isn’t quite so crazy hilly), running 28 miles on a few roads that I know will be pretty quiet, getting in some strength at the gym, soaking in the hot springs, and going somewhere delicious for a post-run meal (thinking a sub somewhere sounds good). I’ve also reserved a few books at the library, so excited to do some reading this weekend!


I’m also really excited to follow along on the MS Run The US Relay this year - it starts TOMORROW! Find all of my old recaps of my relay segment here.

Also: this is what I woke up to this morning - what did you wake up to?



Ways you love to nurture yourself?

What did you wake up to this morning?

Favorite last recipe you cooked?!? —> I need something new to try!