Weekend Recap

There was really only one theme this weekend and it was: SNOW. So. much. snow. I love snow (I mean why else would I be living in the mountains?!?), but when you have to commute in it- it’s not as enjoyable (…for me anyways). Our typical 30 minute drive takes upwards of almost an hour when it’s snowing and Friday morning- it was basically a blizzard out there. This was the view when I got to the gym (this is normally a sidewalk…).


And this is how much snow we had gotten from Thursday night to Friday afternoon when I got home from work:


Saturday was filled with mainly hibernating. I read most of the rest of my book (full book review coming out on Friday!), did a bunch of cooking, and then went out for a snowy/icy run!


It finally stopped snowing sometime after dark Friday evening, so my easy 6 miles on Saturday was mainly just icy (I used my spikes) and snow packed. I also am still working on really slowing down my easy pace and I think it’s finally paying off! My average heart rate on my run yesterday was 137, BUT I also gained over 860’ in elevation in 6.02 miles.


I also did some yoga after my run to stretch out, then enjoyed a nice little appetizer platter for my lunch :) Anyone else love these?!?


Sunday was spent getting ready for the week ahead (I lay out my clothes for the week), reading, blogging!, 6 miles at goal marathon effort, and teaching skating.


Favorite things to put on an appetizer platter?

Snow- yay or nay?

DRIVING in the snow- yay or nay?

Feature Friday: Running Fog And 100 DAYS!

Happy Friday! What an insanely stressful week. Work for me is honestly so overwhelming that I don’t look forward to going in most days. I know it will pass, but wow does it make me even more grateful for my runs and time at home to relax. Also reading something funny like this really helps.


My runs have also felt just funky this week. Nothing bad (per se), just harder than normal. Which I know I’ve got to factor in the marathon/ ultra training fatigue, crazy amount of ice/ snow I’ve had to run through, and treadmill mental toughness I’ve also been faced with. I’ve got an easy 8 miles this morning on the treadmill (because running on the roads when it’s snowing is not something I do—> I think it’s too dangerous with cars potentially not seeing you/ going off the road trying to go around you/ snowplows) and then am so excited to get a massage this afternoon!

I’m trying to do more ‘pamper yourself’ things lately since I have been so stressed. They really have given me something to look forward to (besides my runs each day too)! Very grateful to be able to afford such luxuries at the moment. Also views like this on my run yesterday morning was pretty spectacular.


We’ve gotten SO MUCH SNOW lately and more is coming today/tonight. Trying to decide between hibernating tomorrow or going skiing? Hmmm…tough decisions living in such a beautiful place.


Stella has the puppy eyes down pat by now (she’s 10 yrs old), but she really took it to a new level last night. She hates ‘lying down’ when we’re eating, so this was a nice ‘half up/ half down’ compromise. Ha.


I also have a few random thoughts for you before the weekend begins:

I definitely need this right?! Looks SO GOOD!


Also we’re down to LESS THAN 100 DAYS!

  • I want everything from the new Spring Collection from Oiselle. Why couldn’t I just win the lottery?!


When’s your next race?!

Favorite way to ‘pamper yourself’?

Favorite way to de-stress?

Tips for getting out of a running fog?

Then VS Now, I'm Excited For THIS, And The Easiest/Best Lunch Ever?

Happy Friday-eve! I’m honestly most excited to do absolutely nothing this entire weekend. I kinda just want to hole-up on Saturday with a good book, hot cocoa, and some good appetizer platters (our favorite ‘Saturday afternoon snack/replacement of lunch’). I’ve been so busy (and overly stressed) at work lately that my runs have been so needed. It helps so much to just ‘zone out’ and not think about anything when running. I think sometimes that’s my favorite thing about getting out for a run. We’re in the midst of getting more snow (yay for skiing, not so yay for driving), so throwing it back to a warmer day where we could see the ground.


I’ve also forgotten how tired and hungry you are when in the midst of marathon training! I’m on week 4 of serious training and WOW my legs feel dead, I’m falling asleep on the couch at 8:30, and am feeling so unbelievably fit already (yay). Here’s to hoping all this training pays off and gets me to the start & finish line of both the Eugene Marathon & my 50 miler races strong and healthy!

Here’s to hoping I’m more in shape for my 50 miler than I was for my 50k….


My lunches for this week have been amazing. I’m not here to brag, but well…I kinda need to because it tastes SO GOOD. It’s also super easy to throw together (less than an hour prep on Sundays too!). I’m kinda one of those people that eat the same thing all the time if I like it, so I’ll probably be eating this for the next year or so. ——> Brown Rice (made a giant batch on Sunday), Green Peppers, Onion, Diced Tomato, Spinach, & Black Beans. I then top it with the most delicious salsa & guacomole. All that I’m missing is Tortilla Chips (but honestly I’ve been munching on salted almonds lately - I just leave them in my car so whenever I’m feeling hungry, I grab a handful- which helps me with any of those salty/crunchy cravings (and is much more nutrient-dense as well)!


Since the 10 Year Challenge came up on both Facebook and Instagram recently, I thought it would be fun to reflect on here!

10 years ago, I was a freshman in college. I wasn’t even a runner at this point! I was actually injured (partially torn meniscus in my knee) from a skating fall (yes, I competed in college as a figure skater)!


I was very driven in my skating, easily persuaded to try new things from new friends (hello, college!), and focused on my studies. My favorite past-times included skating (duh), studying, going out to dinner with friends, rushing in my new sorority (oh hey, Gamma Phi!), and learning what ‘going out’ on the weekends actually means (oh, how naive I was!).


I also sled along the slippery slopes of various eating disorders when I was injured. I was convinced that I would gain ‘a ton of weight’ because I was unable to skate/ train. I was also introduced to running (but it took me a few more years before I would catch ‘the bug’) from my roommate- who was part of the SU Track & Field Team!


Today, I’ve honestly grown so much and am excited to continue to grow, learn, and mature! I realize that food=fuel and that if I need to take a few days off of running, it’s not a big deal.


I’ve learned to love the outdoors- in every way, shape, and form.


I’m so glad with where my life is now and I wouldn’t change a thing. I can’t wait for what the next decade brings!



What did your life look like 10 years ago?!

Favorite lunch food?

Favorite outdoor activity?

Training Tuesday: So You've Signed Up For A Marathon- Now What?

Happy Tuesday! I wanted to share with you some tips that I’ve learned over the course of training for 6 marathons. While I’m still learning every training cycle, I also remember a few things that I read when training for my first that were totally incorrect/ inaccurate! Signing up for a new distance or new goal can be totally scary/ exhilarating (ahem- how I’m feeling about my first 50 miler in May!). You’ve made the plunge to sign-up, but now the real work begins when you have to actually train?!?

So here are a few things that I’ve found helpful when training for marathons specifically!


Find a time to fit in your training runs and be non-negotiable on those times. When you’re working on a new schedule, it can be challenging those first 3-4 weeks adjusting. Be kind to yourself, but also know that once you get on the new schedule it will feel easier! If you’re not a morning person, then schedule in your runs after work (just like a meeting). Or if you can do mid-day runs, then fit them in just like a meeting. Don’t back out on yourself and visualize that finish line when you try to come up with excuses.

Get used to planning ahead. When I was training for my first marathon, I was a terrible planner. I had a ‘rough’ idea of when my long run would be or how I’d refuel after running, but it wasn’t until after a few marathon training cycles that I realized how imperative it was to plan ahead for these things. Now, I know how I’ll refuel post-run, where I’m running the next day (which can always change depending on weather/ poor sleep etc.), and if I need to take in a few extra calories today for tomorrow’s longer run.


Stretching and strength training are necessary and as important as running! I’ve just started to stretch way more than I used to and it has helped me so much. I now switch up my strength training schedule every 6-8 weeks so my body doesn’t become stagnant (your body will actually plateau if you continue to work on the same exercises for an extended period of time (I usually increase weight/reps over 6 weeks then switch to a new routine)- no matter if you increase the weight/ reps). Try not to skimp on these things and make them as much of a priority as running.

Find a training plan that works for your schedule (or hire a coach)! I’ve tried so many various training plans. Some worked great for me, others were not what worked for my schedule or training goals- know that every person is unique and your training plan should be that way too! Don’t expect to get the same results as your BFF from the same training plan- everyone is different.


Anticipate on being tired and know that that’s NORMAL! I cannot tell you how exhausted I was when training for my first few marathons. I couldn’t fathom how people who had full-time jobs and kids trained for marathons because it took up so much of my time! It took me until maybe my 4th marathon where I finally started to feel like training wasn’t kicking my butt. Trust the training process and be kind to yourself.



What are some types you’d give to a first-time marathoner?!