CURRENTLY: Getting Strong, Never Gets Old, Playlist?, & I'm Ready.

Happy Friday! We were originally going to go camping this weekend, but I’ve got quite a bit of work to catch up on before leaving for Eugene (IN ONE WEEK!) so we will probably just hang around here! I also want to create some amazingly fabulous dessert for my birthday on Tuesday (who says that someone else has to create it for your bday?). I’ve been scouring Pinterest for ideas on what I want to bake and it’s either down to this , this , this, or this.

Regardless of how my upcoming races turn out, I guarantee that my legs will be the strongest they’ve ever been thanks to the ample wall squats I’ve been doing.


Also pretty sure that there will be 100% chance of me doing an epsom salt bath this weekend with some hot coffee and Gilmore Girls on repeat. It never gets old.


Facebook also reminded me that it’s been 3 YEARS since I ran the Inaugural Star Wars Half Marathon with my mom?!? I remember training for this race super conservatively (since I had just had a PRP injection in my Achilles the summer before and did a very long 8-12 week run/walk program before I was cleared to run again without walk breaks (and also advised to avoid any sort of incline running as much as possible —> I did A LOT of treadmill miles during this time!). I also used this half as a training run before my 2nd marathon, Revel Rockies, where I somehow shaved over 30 minutes off my previous 26.2 time without much training! Thanks to that super fast course, it gave me a lot of confidence that maybe I could be a “faster” runner. It’s fun to look back on where you came from and the journey to where you are today.


I’m also starting to put together my MARATHON PLAYLIST! I need suggestions! What are YOUR favorite pump-up jams? I have my race plan loosely coming together (so I can visualize it several times throughout the day) and roughly think that I will not start with any sort of music until the halfway point (this will be when we leave the streets of Eugene and head onto the bike path).

Also purchased my YETI and clearly, the cats love it. Or maybe they love cuddling with me? IDK.


I’m ready for whatever race day brings me. I know it will hurt and there will be tough parts, but I’m stronger than whatever it throws at me. I will conquer the distance and come away with a big, fat PR. I used to back-down and cave when things got tough, but I’ve worked so much on my mental strength this past year and am ready to ‘be my own cheerleader’.


-Favorite birthday treat? Any dessert recipe recommendations?!?

-Favorite raceday tunes?

-Wall squats- thoughts? Where do they fall on the burpee scale of love-to-hate?

Taming The Taper Crazies

Friday-eve! This week has kinda flown by, which is to be expected since we are now officially in the TAPER (…for the marathon at least ; ) ….)! I cannot believe that I’ll be running my 7th marathon in my 12th state in 11 DAYS!?!? I am so lucky to have maintained my fitness and health through some crazy winter stress-filled months and will be celebrating the last 12 months of fitness during race day. I can’t WAIT!

Flashback to yesterday’s run in PERFECT weather. Mid 40’s partly cloudy, damp trails.


I ran to the library with my vest to pick up my new book that I reserved there WEEKS ago! Can’t wait to dive into it.


I also then went to the gym to get in some strength work (since my membership is ending there at the end of April I want to use it as much as possible! I don’t use the gym as often in the summer months & do most things at home!) and then picked up the mail for my work (and there was A LOT of it so I got in some extra training for my ultra with all that extra weight). Also saw what I believe was an Osprey on my run back to work?


Oh the joys of mud season. Your car is dirty, but do you gamble the dice and wash it (and hope that it doesn’t rain for a while) or do you leave it dirty for the season? Well.. I took the former and it snowed/rained, so at least it was nice and shiny for a whole 4 hours right?!?



Since we are officially in the taper, I thought it would be fun to share some of the things that I normally do in the taper! I’d also love to hear what you do, so make sure to comment below!

  • DO NOT question your fitness

  • Look back over those crazy-hard runs/workouts that you conquered

  • Prepare for the race mentally. How will you feel at mile 1? Mile 10? Mile 20? Crossing that finish line?

  • Have some of your favorite mantras and practice them over and over again. Having just one may work for you, but I find having a few help (especially when I’m in a rut)!

  • Visualize yourself on the race course the best you can. I see myself driving my elbows back, my knees up - staying strong and steady

  • Know your nutrition plan and DO NOT alter or adjust it no matter how crappy you feel on race day. Know what works for you and DO IT!

  • Believe in yourself and be proud that you’ve made it this far. No matter what lies ahead of you on race, be proud of your accomplishments and OWN them! Don’t let anyone dull your shine.

  • Have a time goal? Repeat to yourself that you are a ‘x’ marathoner/ half-marathoner / 10k-er. I haven’t actually tried this in a race, BUT I have been taking every opportunity to repeat to myself that I am a sub- 3:40 marathoner. If you don’t believe it, then how can you expect it to come out on race day?

  • Read all the inspiring books you can leading up to the race.

    • Some of my favorites:

      • Finish First- Scott Hamilton

      • Let Your Mind Run- Deena Kastor

      • North - Scott Jurek & Jenny Jurek

      • How Bad Do You Want It - Matt Fitzgerald

  • Treat yourself before and after the race! I love to get my nails done, some like to get their hair done before…whatever works for you and then have something lined up to do AFTER the race. I love to pick out some sightseeing destination (if I’m not running at/near home) or some amazingly delicious restaurant reserved


-Favorite taper recommendations?

-Are you superstitious? Do you do anything special before a big race?

-Car wash in mud season? Yay or Nay?

7 THINGS & Marathon Goals Update?

I was so distracted/ excited for the Boston Marathon that I totally forgot to do my 7 things yesterday! It was so unbelievably inspiring to watch the race and that men’s finish?!? Incredible. I also really enjoyed this entire article from

And those finishers who selflessly helped other runners cross the finish line when they couldn’t by themselves? Or crawling across the finish line. It really brings tears to my eyes. Runners are just so wonderful and selfless human beings. Our community is amazing.

In other news, we spent our weekend NOT doing the dishes (clearly). I’d really love it if we could have a working dishwasher. Is that so much to ask?


Brady climbed to new heights. His balance is really truly remarkable.


More snow/ ice on Saturday meant for a VERY long drive to Fort Collins & back.


I had to renew my CPR certification through the American Heart Association, so I drove down there and back in one day. It ended up taking over 9 1/2 hours of driving (and 4 in the classroom) because the roads were pretty awful/scary Saturday morning. Also, did you know that baby’s diapers apparently have power buttons on them? Yeah, me neither!


Easiest meal plan ever for this week. Ha.


And a whole ‘lotta wall squats on Friday! Gotta get these legs nice and strong to get me through my 50 miler AND up Mt. Washington!



So, I skipped my long runs this weekend. I actually skipped ALL of my runs this weekend. Saturday took its toll on me and Sunday, I was so exhausted from being in the car all day/ having to skip lunch because I had no time before my class began/ and honestly- I just did not feel like running. It was cold and windy out and running just sounded awful. So, I didn’t run. Also- my marathon tempos have been all over the place. I haven’t actually ‘hit’ my goal pace since the end of March and this is leaving me feeling a bit well, uncertain of what I can expect at Eugene.


I know that I can fairly easily ‘hit’ the 26.2 miles, but I also really really wanted to see that 3:3x on the clock when I crossed the finish line. All of my tempos leading up until the end of March told me that it was possible, but now with so many really irregular (and well dare I say, crappy) tempo runs I’m not so sure. It’s also really unlike me to NOT want to run. The last time I felt like this, I was anemic so I have already made an appointment with my doc to get some blood tests. Maybe it’s all in my head? Maybe it’s hormones? IDK, but I want to feel like myself again and hit those runs feeling amazing! I’ll keep you posted, but right now- I think and truly believe that a PR is within me. I just need to keep on mentally visualizing the race (I’ve been doing that a BUNCH), reading all the inspiring books, and recovering like a champ during these next 12 DAYS!

I’m happy to acknowledge what my body is feeling and actually ACT on it (normally I don’t!). So, I guess this is what adulting feels like? IDK. Do you? And I’m not sharing this for anyone to feel SORRY for me- I like to keep it honest here and share my thoughts because I honestly feel like there are way too many people other sharing with ‘rose gold glasses’. Maybe you’ve felt like this too? Maybe you haven’t, but maybe it might make you feel better to know that you’re not alone- so I hope this helps YOU!


-Ever have to adjust your race plans? How’d it go? Any suggestions?

-Favorite thing about Boston yesterday? Anyone RUN it? How’d it go?!?

-Cats- how do they balance so well like that?!?

-Meal planners —> favorite ‘leftovers’ recipes?

CURRENTLY: Sorry In Advance, Making THIS, All Things BOSTON, I'm Determined.

I’m sorry in advance to my co-workers on Monday because I WILL be streaming the Boston Marathon and will 100% be cheering the entire 2+ hours.

I think I only get excited for Mondays when it’s Marathon Monday. The weather is looking similar to last years, but definitely warmer. There’s nothing worse to run in (I think) than cold, windy rain!

I rounded-up some of my favorite articles surrounding the Boston Marathon:

  • This one by Erin Strout (LOVE her!) regarding equality at the Boston Marathon. It’s time that the men were moved to the same standards that the women have been at for years. It’s a step-forward for gender equality and a win (I think!) for women! I also think that it’s good that they’ve opened up the earlier professional starts to anyone who has obtained an OTQ (Olympic Trails Qualifier).

  • This one by Emily Abbate sharing her mental tips to conquer the Boston Marathon (or really any marathon/ race). Mental strength is something that I’ve continued to work and am convinced it helped me get a break-through half marathon PR last month, when I had little actual ‘speed’ under my legs. Also- make sure to check out Ali On The Run’s Podcast Episode with Emily. It was SO good.

  • This one by Sarah Lorge Butler sharing Jordan Hasay’s journey to the Boston Marathon this year.

  • This one by Daphne Matalene about a runner’s 9 year journey to qualifying for the Boston Marathon. If you only have enough time to read one article, let it be this one. Daphne’s story is so incredibly inspiring, I want to read it everyday. It gets me excited to see where the running years ahead of me will lead.

  • This one by Cindy Kuzma aout Roberta Groner’s amazing sub 2:30 marathon. I’ve been a huge fan of Roberta’s for a while (thanks to Lindsey Hein’s amazing podcast episode with her)- she’s a single mom, full-time working nurse, and unsponsored runner in her early 40s. Another incredibly inspiring story.

I will also definitely be making this recipe that Amanda shared on Instagram! Also make sure to give her a follow because she is SO inspiring as well (and Boston-based)! YUM


I updated my lock screen on my phone- I’M DETERMINED. It will be a lot of hard work and won’t happen in one or two or three training cycles, but I will get there.



-Anyone running Boston? Good luck!!

-Marathon Monday- better than Christmas? Possibly…

-Favorite recipe to carbo-load??