Wineglass Marathon Training Recap

Good MORNING! First off- I ran a marathon! And somehow managed a 7-minute PR! I finished in 3:44:19 (8:34 min/mile pace). I’m working on a full race recap, but wanted to recap my training up until race weekend because I actually ran the lowest mileage before a marathon ever (even before my first marathon) and didn’t have a super consistent training block (so many days with sick babies), but still was able to run faster than I ever have. I think it’s important to be transparent in training, how things get done (or don’t get done), and just keeping it real over here.

Let’s run through just some stats over my training block:

  • Peaked at 41.88 miles

  • Total mileage ran 411.57 miles

  • Race PRs: 3 (10k, sprint triathlon (first one), marathon)

  • Runs missed/altered: 9

  • Milk produced: Unknown, but- So. much. pumping!

  • Average days a week ran: 4

  • Average days strength training: 2

  • Sicknesses: 2 for me and what seems like an infinite amount for the babies

  • Peak long run: 20 miles

  • Run coach: Yes! I joined the Lift Run Perform team program where most runners were training for the Chicago Marathon

This was the least I’ve ever ran/ trained for a marathon and I somehow managed a 6+ minute PR! I modified/skipped a lot of runs (but tried hard to stay diligent on my workout days and just modify easy runs if needed)- which is something I also never used to do. I did, however, really focus on my strength before starting this training block/signing up with my training group. I loved doing the Tread Bootcamps starting around 5 months postpartum and would use those days as my ‘speedwork’. I also did one half-marathon at 5 months postpartum (just for fun) and ran a 1:58 in very hot/humid conditions for early May (I think humidity was 85% at the start line and temperatures were already above 60?). I had some of the best training runs that I’ve ever had and was the least anxious surrounding my runs than ever before (I think having basically no other free time besides my ‘window’ to run really helped with this one! #motherhood). Some workouts that I’m really proud of included longer intervals like doing 30 minutes at 8:10 pace (goal was 8:33 pace), 4 x 1 mile at 7:45/ 7:46/ 7:53/ 7:53 (goal was 7:51), and a long run of 15 miles with 3 x 2 miles at 8:25/ 8:19/ 8:24 (goal was 8:33 pace).

I also had a lot more cross-training under my belt during this training cycle to help me prepare for my sprint triathlon the beginning of July and just as a way to slowly incorporate running back into my training postpartum. I worked with a Pelvic Floor PT starting at 3 weeks postpartum (I made the appointment on my own rather than waiting to talk with my doc at my 6 week postpartum visit, but I did make sure they were ok with me seeing a PT that early). I also worked with a Pelvic Floor PT mid-training cycle to help make sure I didn’t have Diastisis Recti (separation of the abdominal muscles- which is common after pregnancy) or any other issues (I wasn’t having any, but always good to make sure)! The PT that I worked with in September really just helped me work through a lot of scar tissue that I had around my c-section (and honestly I still have a lot- so if you know what helped you with your scar tissue LMK)!

We took a few fun trips during this training cycle- mostly to Maine and our first-time camping with the girls! I love how I was just much-more laid-back with this training. I had a goal to honestly just have fun with it and that took a lot of pressure off myself. I still rode my Peloton bike once a week until 3ish weeks out from the race and took strength training away around 3 weeks out as well (I had always strength trained up until the week of the marathon)! I also somehow PR’d the 10k, which I just used as a workout. That got me really excited to see what I could do in the 10k if I didn’t follow a race plan. I was also still breastfeeding/pumping during this entire training cycle (I planned to be weaned/done by the time of the race), but we are still doing it over here. If you ask me how I managed to get it all in- I’m not entirely sure, but the girls started going to daycare 2x a week in August and that gave me a lot more flexibility (and for that month I worked part-time). Alex was also so great about watching the girls either on my days off for me to get a run in or have the monitor during their nap time while I snuck-out for a quick run. I didn’t use our treadmill for basically the entire training cycle (because our treadmill belt was broken/needed to be fixed) which I also thinked helped with my mental toughness because I went out in all of the weather conditions.

I also started to become more body-confident and wore more crop tops, which I think helped boost my confidence. And we can’t forget about my Nike 2% Vaporflys (a Mothers Day gift)- not sure if these made a difference, but they certainly helped me feel fast. Now- I’m going to start working on my Marathon Weekend Recap next!