Training Tuesday: Top Five Favorite Podcasts Right Now

Happy Tuesday! It’s another busy day for me after getting home after 9pm and having to leave the house by 5:15am for my clinical! I cannot believe that race day is officially THIS WEEK! What?!? It’s crazy to me how quickly this race came and training went pretty great. Can’t wait to give you my full training recap and thoughts for this weekend on Friday!

I thought it would be fun today to share with you my top five favorite podcasts I’ve listened to lately. I have actually mainly been listening to podcasts on my drive/commute rather than running (I’ve been going headphone-free on my runs)! It’s a nice way to either pass the time during my drive or help me study (sometimes I listen to my lectures on my drives!).

So, here’s the first one. I’m a huge fan of Peter Sagal and really enjoyed this conversation he had with Tina Muir. I also can’t wait to get his book!


This podcast was everything and I’m already looking forward to Wednesday when another one launches. I wish all of my favorite shows had a podcast like this!


I’m a huge fan of Stefanie and love that she’s a part of Matt’s Road To The Olympic Trails series. She has such an honest conversation with him in this episode and she’s a total bada$$ role model that I look up to so much.


Another episode that I’m a huge fan is Hungry Runner Girl’s Janae Baron (I love her blog, Hungry Runner Girl) and was so excited when I heard in this episode that she’s shooting for an OTQ. She is just such a beautiful sole and you can really hear how much she loves running in this episode.


I had never heard of Emily before this podcast, however I could relate to her on so many levels. She totally rocks 100 mile races and still LOVES the treadmill?! A girl after my own heart.



-What have been your favorite podcast episodes you’ve listened to lately?

-Any other Office fans out there?!?