Training Rundown

Happy Friday! Better late than never-> last weeks training recap! I hit over 40 miles last week- first time since maybe August?!? So I’m calling it a huge win. I didn’t get in as much strength as I would have liked, but 2 times last week and yoga a few times is better than nothing!

Monday, 2/15- 1 hour easy in the snow & 30 minutes of strength/mobility


Tuesday, 2/16: Lactate Threshold workout 10 min up/ 4 x 6 min hard (3 min recovery) / 10 min down & 20 min of yoga


Wednesday, 2/17: 45 min easy and 20 min of Pilates


Thursday, 2/18: 2:30 long run, 14.5 miles and 35 minutes strength/ PT exercises


Friday, 2/19: Rest day! 30 minutes of yoga

Saturday, 2/20: 1 hour easy running and some cross country skiing!


Sunday, 2/21: Lactate Threshold workout 5.5 miles and 20 minutes strength/ PT exercises


Total Mileage: 42.69 miles

Training Rundown

Happy Humpday! I have the next few days off, which is good since our girl kitty (Maple) just had surgery yesterday (😭). She had a bladder stone the size of a fingernail and is doing OK- She’s home and the pain medications they gave here are still in effect (so she’s pretty loopy).


Last weeks training was a bit of a cluster thanks to 2-hour doctor appointments, working 4 shifts in a row, and dealing with the side effects from the Moderna COVID vaccine.

Monday, 1/25- 60 minutes easy & 20 mins strength & yoga


Tuesday, 1/26- 45 minutes easy & PT mobility work before my last night shift of the week


Wednesday, 1/27- Rest Day. Between 1.5 hours of sleep after working all night, doctors appointment (just meeting my new PCP!), driving 2 hours to get home, and teaching skating lessons I just didn’t feel like running-> so I didn’t . It’s important to listen to your body and adjust your expectations to it.


Thursday, 1/28- Got my second COVID vaccine, but still managed to sneak in my PT exercises and 45 minutes of hill work on the treadmill. 10 minutes up/ 5 x1 min @ 10% incline (1 min recovery)/ 5 min tempo at 7:08/ 5 x 1 min @10% incline/ 10 minutes down. That was fun?!? 🀩


Friday, 1/29- Complete rest day. This is when the side effects really wiped me out. Slept most of the day.

Saturday, 1/30- Felt a bit better, but didn’t want to push it so did an hour easy , 20 min indoor cycling, and PT exercises.


Sunday, 1/31- Another rest day, but got in my PT exercises. Had to get up at 3am to get to work by 6:30am and by the time I got out and had dinner, it was 8:30pm. Just not enough tIme in the day!

How do you adjust your training and expectations when things go awry? I used to be really bad at that, but have slowly learned that things happen and that’s life! I’m doing the best I can with what I have.

Feature Friday: Letting Your Training Marinate

You know I’m all about Carbs over here, so anytime I can relate training to something carbohydrate related- I’m all for it. It’s taken me so long to realize that training and fitness can ebb and flow. It’s funny how I often have to remind myself of that (especially among set-backs or when training starts up again and everything feels hard). Once I get into a routine with training and life and diet, I’m GREAT, but getting there takes so much patience.


It’s ok (and honestly HEALTHY) to go through different seasons of life and running- maybe taking a break is what you need or totally just doing a different activity for awhile (I certainly think that this Pandemic has taught us a whole lot about being patient). It’s the seasons of change and cut-backs that rejuvenate our minds and bodies and gives us the permission to dream big again. It’s all of the ingredients in our best homemade tomato sauce that we’re collecting and prepping.


Once we’ve got all of our ingredients ready to go (our training plan is set), we’re ready to start popping them into the pot. This is when we we’re adding a little bit at a time into our training. Maybe we sprinkle in some speedwork, a bit of a longer run, or a dash of tempo work. BUT we also can’t forget about the little things (I.e. our β€˜seasonings’ if we’re sticking with the sauce reference)- like the importance of sleep/ nutrition/ stretching/strength training/foam rolling.


Then, we continue with our ingredients and let them simmer (marinate) for awhile. Nothing really new is added (maybe a bit of additional mileage), but we just continue on building a bit at a time. Our sauce (& fitness) will slowly come together, but it takes time (and a whole bunch of PATIENCE)! I continue to remind myself of this when I feel stuck or like I’m making no progress-> really good sauce takes time.



-What ingredients are you adding now for a really good sauce later?

Training Rundown

I WISH I could say that last week’s training went as planned, but it certainly did not and that’s OK. I started out the week with an awesome 60 minute tempo at 8:34 pace. It’s definitely hard to not want to round-up to that 7.00 miles, but 60 minutes running is 60 minutes running! Also got in 20 minutes of strength & 10 minutes of yoga.


I worked Monday night and got in 4.6 miles easy on Tuesday before another night shift. Also being diligent about getting in my PT exercises. What I wouldn’t give for an accurate treadmill running watch. I do the treadmill between night shifts so I can sleep as late as possible (normally only get in 6ish hours of sleep though just because my body wakes me up naturally) and I’m staying in a busier area where I don’t feel as comfortable running in the dark. I’m sure I would be fine, but better to be safe!


I got home Wednesday morning, took a 2 hour nap, and managed to sneak in my 45 minute workout on our treadmill (so I wouldn’t have to deal with the hassle of traffic with speedwork). I did a 10 minute warmup, 3 x 6 minutes hard-ish (7:30/ 7:13/7:00 paces), 10 minute cool down. I love to run hard on our treadmill at home- I can crank our music on it and feel totally badass.


Thursday was filled with meal-prepping and cleaning/packing for the upcoming work stretch, but I got in my PT exercises and a 40 minute easy run.


Friday was my planned long run day, but I slept in SO LATE (9:30 😱) and my Psoas was absolutely killing me. I did manage to get in my strength, PT, 10 minutes of spinning, and yoga, but decided it was best to relax rather than push for a run. Love our little home gym .


Saturday was a rest day since I left home at 3:45am, worked from 6:30-7:30pm, and got maybe 5 hours of sleep. I got in an easy 60 minute run on the hotel treadmill early Sunday morning before another day shift, along with PT exercises and 10 minutes of yoga.



How did your week go? Did it look like you wanted or did you have to shift your expectations a bit?

Training Rundown

Humpday! Has anyone felt like this week has felt like an eternity and it’s only Wednesday?!? I’m choosing to change my mindset and tell myself that it’s ALREADY Wednesday! Sometimes a quick mindset shift is all we need. I wanted to bring back my weekly training rundowns mainly because it helps me reflect on the last week and set intentions for the week ahead. I definitely had some treadmill miles last week.


I also addendum some Christmas lights in our home gym and it really gets me excited to do anything in there now.

Monday, 1/11- 3.37 mile run & 30 minutes of yoga before my second night shift. I can’t wait for the days to continue to get longer so I can run in the daylight before work. Also did 10 minutes of Pilates.

Tuesday, 1/12- 5 mile Progression run on the Peloton App and on the treadmill. I love using the App when I’m not feeling super motivated to run and also when I want some casual speedwork. This was before my third night shift in a row.


Wednesday, 1/13- Rest day


Thursday, 1/14- 4.6 mile easy run on the treadmill & 20 minutes of strength on the Peloton App (where I’m getting all my strength/stretching ideas lately ) & 10 minutes of yoga


Friday, 1/15- 5.3 mile run outside! Love getting some fresh air.


Saturday, 1/16- 10.8 mile run on the treadmill (love that I can run the Boston Marathon course via the iFit feature on my treadmill) and 10 minutes of Pilates/ yoga and 20 minutes of strength.


Sunday, 1/17- 30 minutes on the bike trainer, 1.45 mile snowshoe, 5 mile run, & 15 minutes of PT exercises/ mobility work.


Total mileage: 34.05 miles

Positive takeaway: I managed to fit in 6 days of running! Also got in multiple sessions of yoga and strength training.

Something to improve upon this next week: I’d like to work on taking in nutrition on my long run this week.


β€”How’s your training going right now? Anyone else excited for more sunlight?