THESE really help those stressful days & I GOT IN!- Now What?!

I’m getting myself back on schedule. For Eugene training cycle, my hard workout days will be Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. So I’ll also get my strength training done on those days. Which means —> getting up EXTRA early. Like my alarm went off at 4:30 this morning. I’m going to hop on the treadmill this morning (6* is the low & still snowing) and get some speed going in my legs - I’ve got 7 miles on the schedule and I’m going to throw in 10 minutes of 10 x 1 minute faster surges then the remaining miles easy. Looking forward to catching up on this season of Greys Anatomy!

Also these really make any day better. (I’m convinced that they’re the best type of Sour Patch Kids).


I also got into the Chicago Marathon!!


Now I need all of your recommendations! I’m looking at Air BnBs to stay at, but would love to know what is the best option?!? Also what to do the day before and day after the race?!?

Also kitty cuddles because why not?



Favorite type of Candy?

Chicago Marathon- give me your recommendations!

Do you have any animals?