Training Tuesday: It wasn’t easy, but I did it

One of my goals for the New Year was to start being more scheduled with my blog posts again and it only took me 16 days to get here! My hope is to start posting on Tuesdays and Fridays. Tuesdays will be recaps of my training the week prior and Friday posts will kinda just be a mishmash of my thoughts/life happenings and maybe some coaching items. This past week of training was tough, but I got it done! I worked 4 days (4 x 12 hour shifts), which made it challenging and the weather was wild (many down trees and snow/wind/ice).

What I’m training for:

  • Hamptons Half Marathon March 3rd

  • Revel White Mountains May 5th


Easy 6 miles & hill strides on the treadmill during naptime

Strength training with the girls “helping”

20min of yoga with peloton (mainly stretching)


Easy 5 mile run outside. Was able to sneak outside during the girls naptime while Alex took a break from work. After being stuck on the treadmill for days because of the weather, it felt sooo nice to feel fresh air!


Work day & rest day!


Quality session of 9.7 miles outside & 30min of strength . I did the advanced class on Peloton and it was TOUGH!


Work day! I was so sleepy this morning, so decided to sleep in. I had originally had an ‘optional’ run on my schedule, but decided to try to do my run on the treadmill after work. I got to 30 minutes feeling good, so decided to go for the 50min easy run since the weather was supposed to be crazy in the morning and I was thinking we might lose power overnight (we didn’t-thankfully!)


Work day! Got up a few minutes before 5 and did a super chill 30 minutes on the treadmill. It felt good to get in a bit of movement before another work day.


Work day! Alarm went off at 4:15 and I had told myself I would get Starbucks as a treat if I got my quality session in before work. So that extra motivation definitely helped! I got in 7.1 miles with 10 x 400m repeats on the treadmill bed work. Felt awesome!

Total Mileage: 35.5 miles with only 2 outdoor runs

Strength sessions: 2!

Stretching sessions: Sadly, only one.

This past week wasn’t perfect, but with only 3 days not working - it wasn’t ideal and I didn’t have a lot of flexibility. Normally I love to get in a few more stretching sessions and at least one day on the bike. This week I only work one(!!) day, so I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to get more extra time to work out (although I’m solo parenting, so we’ll see).

  • How was your training last week?

  • What are your goal races and how do you modify when the weather is isn’t ideal?