Marathon Monday: Favorites?

Back on the blog! It’s funny how I always have the best intentions to sit down to write and then it’s somehow 8pm and I’m exhausted. Except for tonight. Tonight was different (and not in a good way)- Izzy has been getting her two top molars in for the past two weeks (if you’re a parent of little then you know) and she’s been a total mess. So, cue an hour nap during the day, a 6:15pm bedtime, and voila! We’re back on the blog and it’s 7:30pm (I think I can still be in bed by 8:30 too)! We have been in ‘fake Spring’ for basically the entire first two weeks of February here in New Hampshire and now it’s basically going to snow this entire week. I LOVE snow, but I’m also so excited for warm days and summer nights enjoying our deck again (sans snow). We took the girls out sledding yesterday and while they were pretty confused by the whole concept, we had a GREAT time.

I’m not exactly in marathon training mode yet (I have my eye on at least one Fall marathon), but I’m always thinking about those 26.2 miles and snagging that BQ. So, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite things that have helped me run my fastest marathon last year and also successfully ran 10 26.2s I’m ((hopefully)) going to share my training goals for the year on the blog sometime this week, so make sure to check back if that’s something you’re interested in!

Fast Shoes:

The Nike Vaporflys are my new carbon fiber favorites

A GPS watch:

Still rocking my (slowly dying) Garmin Forerunner 235

Long Run tested (non-chafing) clothes (that make me feel fast)

Oiselle Pocket Joggers, Lululemon Align Crop Tops are my current favorites

A kick-ass running coach

Currently training with Coach Cara from Lift. Run.Perform! I’m also a running coach if you’re looking to start training for a race or wanting to make running a more consistent part of your life.

Cross training & strength

I would never have been able to run 10 marathons & several ultra marathons without adding in both strength training & cross training

Adequate Rest, Hydration, & Nutrition

I’ve dug myself into big holes when I’ve neglected any one (or all) of the above. Don’t be like me!

  • What else would you add?!? Favorite post long run meal or ways to recover?

  • —> I’m all about epsom salt baths, a protein shake, & putting my feet up the wall lately