Feature Saturday: Why Self-Love?

As someone who’s struggled with loving myself and TRULY BEING CONFIDENT in everything I do, it’s hard to not want to ‘slip into my old ways’ or compare myself to others. To ‘downplay’ myself or my accomplishments or think ‘wow, that person is so great and totally on another level than me’- it’s so easy to do that, but you know what’s even better? Building yourself UP! It’s super hard for me to do, but wow am I HAPPIER when I consistently do this.


I know that this is something that I will probably ALWAYS struggle with, but consistently building myself up will help me make it easier to deal with those emotions/negative thoughts. You know what also helps? Being realistic with myself and knowing my true core values (and then asking myself, ‘does ‘x’ really help align me with those values?’).


For example- I know I want to really focus on my finances this year. Saving, dropping extra $ into my student loans, and spending less. So, when I get sucked into wanting to spend extra money on frivolous ’wants’ - I either transfer that amount of money that I would have spent on something unnecessary or put it towards one of my student loans! This is one of the ways that I’m showing up for myself and honoring my core values (also- it’s giving myself self-love).


Self-love doesn’t always have to be about exercising/eating healthy/ checking items off of your to-do list- it can also be NOT doing those things, saying ‘no’ to extra activities, getting extra sleep, listening to your inner gut, or taking a first step towards a new career or life goal. It also doesn’t have to be fancy!

We’re trying to save money for a house, so rather than spend over $200 on lift tickets- we’re honoring our values and goals and going skiing later in the day and spending less than $80 on lift tickets! Is it exactly what we wanted? No. BUT it will help us get towards our bigger goal.


-Tips for showing yourself some self-love?
-Tell me how you’re honoring your core values lately?