7 Things

It was beautiful here this weekend and I was here for it


We also decided at the last minute to paint the living room Friday at 4pm. It was only a shade or two brighter than it was originally, but it really makes a huge difference. Quarantine has made us do some crazy things.


We also found the best way to get a lot of work done- keep the cats contained onto our porch. Im not sure they’re fans…


It’s laundry on the line season again- our clothes always feel so much better when they can be dried outside


DIY taco salad with brown rice, homemade black bean burger, lettuce, salsa, chulula = best lunch ever


Plus - first ice cream stand stop of the year 🙌🏻


Walking into work yesterday with all these amazing signs 💛💛💛


& the happiest mail day ever this weekend. Thank you to everyone at Brooks Running. Already worn half of the gear they’ve sent me (Because I’m obsessed) and I feel totally badass and feminine in them at the same time 🥰Can’t wait to give you all reviews as I test them out more. I can already say that the Glycerin 18s might be my new favorite shoe?!?
