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First Speed Workout & Vegas Marathon Training Begins!

Good morning! I've been pretty determined to get back into the swing of working out and getting my fitness back after vacation and yesterday did both a CoreBarre class and CoreRunning class at Steamboat Pilates Studio

I saw this meme and just had to laugh. I hadn't done a  Barre class in forever and it was definitely an awesome workout! Definitely will try to go to them more often throughout this marathon training cycle. It's similar to a combination class of ballet, yoga, and pilates = all of my favorite things wrapped into one neat little package. 

I did the workout class during my lunchbreak and then headed back to the studio after work to do my first speed work session since Revel 4 weeks ago!

This week was my first week of my marathon training cycle, so I didn't want to do anything too crazy with speed, but wanted to get my feet 'wet'. While I could definitely have done a good speed work session on my own, there's something really great about going to a class and having others there also suffer alongside you to good music! This is what the end of my workout totaled:

It really wasn't too bad, but I was SUPER sweaty by the end! I'm trying to get in more nighttime runs since the Vegas Marathon doesn't start until 4:30pm (which is both a good and bad thing when training- it means I get to sleep in, but also sometimes have to run when i'm either really tired or it's hot out). 

My body definitely was tired last night because I slept in until 6:50 this morning (normally I get up between 5 & 6) and seriously could NOT get out of bed! Sleep=recovery, so I won't fight it. I have 6 miles on the docket today and will split it up into two runs so I can take Stella for a run and also squeeze some in on my lunch break today and do the remaining miles tonight. 

Also I saw this meme when looking for a good speedwork one and had to chuckle. Because does no-one else think of deadlifts being similar to the bend and snap?!?

Happy Humpday!

How do you like to do your speedwork sessions?

Any good workout classes you've taken lately?