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MS Run The US Training Rundown- Building Base Mileage & Elevation

^so true!

Humpday! I have Friday off of work, so I cannot wait to sleep in and curl up on the couch with the kittens all morning and get my run in later in the day. It's going to be AMAZING. I can already tell! I'm able to look into the future...if you haven't already figured that one out. 

Here's quick rundown of my training that took place last week. This week currently kicked off week 1 of my marathon training for SLC and MS Run The US, so I was still just building my base mileage and also working on setting a solid foundation for elevation gains (which I will hope to build on each week, since both the marathon and MS Run will be very hilly). I ran a total of 35 miles and gained a total amount of 1, 200'. I was able to fit in 3 strength training sessions (on my own) and got 3 runs in during the day!! SCORE<-- got to sleep in 3 mornings yay! I'm still going strong on my Runner's World Run Steak and have ran for a total of 25 days straight. Hoping to finish the New Year out strong and have my first speedwork session of this training cycle on Christmas Day!

Monday: 5 miles easy on the treadmill @ 9:55 with :30 second hill sprints at the end (8% incline) & 30 mins strength training

Tuesday: 4.5 miles outside with Stella @ 9:45 average after work

Wednesday: 5 miles outside @ 9:36

Thursday: 4.5 miles on the treadmill with some cut-backs (10:00 1 mi; 9:36 1 mi; 9:01 1 mi; 8:34 1 mile; last .5 alternating .1 between 7:00 & 8:34)

Friday: 5 miles outside @ 9:40 during lunch

Saturday: 10 miles outside on the hills @ 10:18 pace. I climbed over 900' during these miles, so was SUPER proud of still getting my easy pace in there. 

Sunday: 1 mile easy recovery @ 10:30 pace after teaching skiing all day

What are you training for in 2018?

Do you keep track of your elevation gains each training week?