Just Keep Running Blog

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You know those things where you’re thinking to yourself ‘gee, well I MIGHT be a bit crazy, but 'WHY NOT?!?’’ - that’s me most of the time. Ha. And I suppose this latest new goal basically solidifies my craziness.

I’ve signed up for a 100 miler on August 14th, 2020. And my big goal? Do it in 24 hours.

Oh, and my other big goal? Fundraise some money for my favorite non-profit, MS Run The US because well, why not?

Once I committed to training for my first 100 miler, I thought back to my Relay experience in 2018 and how amazing of an experience it was to run for more than just me. Running is a very selfish sport (you have to take hours upon hours to train away from your family/friends!) and running a 100 miles just because didn’t seem right to me. I wanted it to be more than just running 100 miles in 24 hours- I wanted to connect with my new community, meet others who have been impacted by MS, and draw upon these experiences during my 100 mile race.

I’d love to say that my big goal is to again fundraise $10,000, but that most likely is not possible given my very busy student schedule these next 6 months (ahem- HOW is it already only 6 months away?!?). BUT I want to see if I can get to $1,000 (maybe $10 from 100 people) and who knows beyond that. I have a few different fundraising ideas and hopefully can get those in motion within the next 3-4 weeks.

I have my fundraising page up here and also have a Facebook fundraiser page as well if that is easier for you to donate.

Maybe you’re unable to donate, but want to help me reach my goal in another way? AWESOME! I’d love to have anyone jump in with me for a few miles (it’s a 2.6 mile loop course - race website is here), help me with my fundraising campaign (help me get the word out- share it with co-workers, friends, family members), or come support me during my race!

It also happens to start the same day that the 2020 MS Run The US Relay Team finishes the entire relay in New York City! Coincidence? Maybe. But I’ll take whatever signs I can get.

SO, that’s a new update from me and I promise I’ll start sharing my training recaps on Wednesdays beginning next week because not everyone trains for 100 miles and shares how they get it all done!