Just Keep Running Blog

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Training Tuesday: HOMEMADE Long Run Fuel Recipe!

Happy Tuesday! It’s BEEN A DAY. We got a crazy amount of ice and snow last night and I still had my clinical this morning (all the schools close to where we live got cancelled, but not where my campus/clinical is held), so I had to commute! My drive took AN HOUR longer than it should have and I was late and yeah…it was most certainly the Monday-ist Tuesday I’ve had in quiet some time. I can’t wait to get home tonight and do a total “day reset”. Flashback to this cute photo I took with Maples a few months ago.

I thought it would be fun to share with you the recipe I use from Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow cookbook for their Energy Squeeze Marathon Fuel. I ended up using this for my last race day and had ZERO gut issues! It really worked so well for me. I highly recommend picking up a copy of this cookbook because every recipe I’ve had in it is amazing.

1/2 cup mashed sweet potato

1/2 cup finely chopped dates

2 tablespoons peanut butter

1 teaspoon chia seeds

1/8 teaspoon high-quality sea salt

I put each individual serving (this recipe gives you three servings total) in a ziploc bag and carry it with me on the run (or pop it in my car to pick-up while out on my long run).

I like to alternate an energy squeeze with a 1/2 of a banana.


What’s your favorite gel to have on the run? Anyone else ever tried to make their own?