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Loco Marathon Training RUNdown Week 9: 9/23-9/29

I had a GREAT week of training last week. I felt really strong, got in an pretty solid 20 miler, and even felt like I could keep running by the end of the week (although my legs were definitely sore for a few days post long run!). I’ve got a cut-back week now and then peak week and then it’s the taper!?!? It’s crazy how fast this 26.2 came and I’m real excited to get another one under my belt.

Monday, 9/23: 10 miles with 8 x 800. Split half on the road and half on the track (before school started). splits were: 7:27, 7:25, 7:16, 7:14, 7:14, 7:24, 7:20, 7:03. It felt real good to have my last split be the fastest!

Tuesday, 9/24: 5 easy miles at 9:56 pace on a new-to-me trail!

Wednesday, 9/25: 6.01 easy miles at 9:50 pace

Thursday, 9/26: 20.01 miles at 9:33 pace. Nothing overly crazy with my pace (I just wanted it to feel easy) and had my fastest miles in the last bit!

Friday, 9/27: 6.20 easy miles at 10:07 pace. Legs felt dead. This was challenging

Saturday, 9/28: 5.02 easy miles at 9:58 pace

Sunday, 9/29: rest day

Total mileage: 52.2 miles

Total Elevation: 1, 594’ up