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Eugene Marathon/ 50 Miler Training RUNdown Week 3 1/7-1/13

Humpday! How’s your week going so far?!? I can’t believe I’m FOUR WEEKS into training for Eugene/ my 50 miler! I’m honestly loving the blend of the two training plans. I’ve got some speed in there, but also some longer runs where pace doesn’t matter so much. I’m continuing to build up my elevation profile slowly so as to not get injured and trying to fit in some cross training at least once a week. Last week was a bit warmer, so I was able to get in most of my runs outside, but this week we’re back down into the negatives in the mornings so I anticipate most of my runs will be on the treadmill and that’s OK. Treadmill runs are still helpful and in the winter, they’re pretty necessary for me to get in any sort of speedwork (most of our roads are still icy that I need to wear my stabil-icers, which I just do not trust when increasing my speed). I always err on the side of caution in the winter rather than slip on ice because I want to be running into my 90s!

Monday, 1/7: 5.12 miles easy 11:24 pace with 678’ up. 1/2 mile swim at lunch! Had to run through ~3 inches of snow since they hadn’t plowed yet. Definitely a great cross-training for my ultra! Slowed down my pace since I felt really tired this morning and worked on my breathing. If it started to feel hard, then I slowed down. I’m all about listening to my body now especially with a speedwork session on tap the next day.

Tuesday, 1/8: 8 miles! 1.5 mi warm-up, 8 x 600 (7:21 pace worked down to last one at 6:58 pace), 1.5 mi cool-cown & strength. Fit this in on the treadmill. Had to hope around on a few treadmills to get it done, but felt in control and nothing too challenging.

Wednesday, 1/9: Rest day! Fit in some yoga to stretch it all out.

Thursday, 1/10: 8 miles easy & strength. Had to piece this run together throughout the day (due to it being something like 3* outside in the morning and too cold for anything beyond a mile) then a few miles before teaching skating and then a few miles after teaching skating. Sometimes you just gotta make it work with what you have!

Friday, 1/11: 13.05 miles at a steady-state pace 9:24 603’ up! Planned to get in anywhere between 12-14 miles and felt really good with this one. All finished before 7:30am too!

Saturday, 1/12: skied all day! Legs were exhausted, but got in 4.25 very easy miles at 11:03 pace on the treadmill & strength training.

Sunday, 1/13: 9 miles- 1.5 mi warm-up/ 6 miles @ goal marathon effort (8:15 actual)/ 1.5 mi cool-down & lotsa stretching/ soaked in the hot springs post-run

Total Mileage: 47.42 miles

Total Elevation Gain: 1, 359’ up


Where are you able to run most of the time in the winter?

Do you have an indoor track that you can do your speedwork?! —> If so, I’m JEALOUS!

What are you currently training for?! How’s it going??