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Weekend Recap & I Need Your Opinion!


Happy Monday! How was your weekend? It's considered "peak foliage" here in NW Colorado already and that makes me a bit sad. I LOVE Fall, but Fall here just isn't the same as it is in New England. We get the beautiful golden colors, but miss out on the reds and oranges. Plus, the closest Apple Orchard is over 2 hours away. Boo. I'm determined to make the most of these next two weeks of "peak foliage" and go on as MANY trail runs as possible. I need to make up for those few weeks in August where the air quality was so terrible that I mainly stuck to either the treadmill or early morning runs. 

This weekend was pretty low-key (which was nice because I've been fighting off a headcold), but we did manage to make it to the Farmer's Market and go out for a hike on Saturday!

We also had a HelloFresh delivery (which I completely forgot was coming until AFTER I went grocery shopping for the week...good thing we have plenty of space in our freezer!), so those consumed both Friday & Saturday night meals. 

Sleeping in was a major part of the weekend and cinnamon rolls also made an appearance ; ) I took my rest day on Thursday and did an easy 6 miles on Saturday so I could get in my long run on Sunday afternoon. 

Perfect Saturday night = Talenti & Harry Potter Order of The Phoenix

Sunday I got in my "trial" Run Rabbit Run pacing course on what was supposed to be Emerald Mountain...but there was a crazy big Mountain Bike race going on there so I went up Spring Creek (I'll finish my pacing duties at the top of Spring Creek) and got in 12 miles before I taught a few skating lessons at the rink later in the afternoon. 

Sunday night was all about meal prepping and outfit prepping (I've started to lay out all of my clothes for the week on Sunday- including both work & running outfits). 

SO I need your opinion- I'm planning to pace the overnight portion of the Run Rabbit Run 100 miler (I'll run ~19 miles) beginning sometime between 8-9pm & finishing between 2-3am. I'm struggling with WHEN WILL I SLEEP?? Should I try to get in a nap Friday afternoon before, sleep in a bunch Friday morning, or just caffeinate it up sans nap or extra sleep and save the sleeping part for Saturday??? No matter what I know it will be TOUGH and I've already blocked Saturday out as a movie day. I haven't pulled an all-nighter or stayed up past 11pm in YEARS. Ha. 

What was your favorite part of the weekend?

Are there apple orchards near you??

RRR pacing--> sleeping/napping/caffeinated ....tell me what I should do!