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Las Vegas HALF Marathon Rundown: Week 7 8/20-8/26

So high up! This was just before I came across a Mountain Lion track..ha. Then I sprinted down the trail!!

WHERE did August go?!? I cannot believe September is here on SATURDAY! But I'm also really excited because of how much I love Fall : ) Already looking forward to all the crockpot soups that I'm going to make and homemade bread! What's your favorite thing about Fall? 

So this was the first full week of training where I switched things up and decided to go for the half marathon instead of the full in November and I'm already feeling a million times better about my decision. My training runs went really well and it's getting me excited for what's in-store for the future! 

Monday, 8/20: 4.06 mi EZ @ 10:01 556' up & 60 minute Jumpboard Reformer Pilates class at lunch. I slept in this morning just *barely* managed to get my run in after I got home from work before watching So You Think You Can Dance (my favorite favorite summertime show)!

The leaves are already starting to change (although you can't really tell from this photo...ha)

Tuesday, 8/21: 6.81 mi EZ @ 9:56 346' up. This run felt amazing and I had to keep slowing myself down. The weather is finally starting to feel cooler out there!

Wednesday, 8/22: 4.01 mi EZ @ 9:37 115' UP/ 850 yards of swimming/ 15 minutes soaking in the hot springs/ 20 minutes of strength training in the evening. This was A LOT of varied exercise for me (rather than just running all the miles) and I loved it. I really enjoy following up an easy run with swimming some laps. I always feel looser and more recovered afterwards (compared to just running then showering/getting ready for work)

Thursday, 8/23: 4.61 mi EZ 9:24 336' UP. I did the first 4.1 miles easy then rested for 3 minutes then did 6 x 30 second fast running (I've never tried this before!) with 1 minute recovery (mainly very slow walking/standing still) between sets. The surges I managed looked like these paces: 6:29/ 6:40/ 6:31/ 6:38/ 6:42/ 6:07. I was super surprised with the last one! I think I could have gone faster overall, but glad to see that my last one was the fastest. 

Friday, 8/24: 5mi EZ @ 10:00 & 60 minute Happy Hour Barre class after work. I slept in because we were up way too late Thursday night visiting and fit my run in around Barre in the afternoon. I did a mile before class then 4 more miles after class. All done on the treadmill @ 0.5% incline. 

Saturday, 8/25: 10.26 miles EZ on the trails! @ 12:55 1, 736' UP. I offered to pace a girl doing her FIRST 100-miler at the Run Rabbit Run here in Steamboat in a few weeks and will be doing the overnight section on Emerald! I wanted to get used to the trails that we'll be running so I took my 10-11 mile easy hilly run to them! I got lost *several* times (I'll need to do this loop a few more times before the RRR100) and came across a mountain lion track (that I think anyways...) so I turned around. It was STEEP in some sections, but I know I'll be good pacing-wise for her (her goal is do the 100 miler in under 30 hours, so under 18:00 minute/miles). I fell once going down momentum wanted me to keep going, but I had to stop for a mountain biker coming up. I just had to laugh when I somersaulted into a bush. Oh well, at least I don't take myself too seriously! It felt so nice to be out on the trails. I did the first half with my headphones in, but as the trails became busier I went without headphones so I could make sure I heard when someone (or animals) were coming. 

All the dirt lines! Also I need a pedicure. 

Sunday, 8/26: REST DAY

Total Mileage: 34.75 miles

Total Elevation: 3, 087' UP

Anyone else a fan of So You Think You Can Dance? I love all of the top 6 and want them all to win!!

Favorite thing about Fall? --> Apple EVERYTHING.