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Weekend Recap & The Best Thing Ever?

I hope you had a great weekend! I'm off getting my tempo run in this morning since it worked better for my schedule this week to have my easy runs on Tues/Thurs/Sat. Anyone else plan super ahead for these types of things?!? I know that we'll be going backpacking next weekend, so I wanted to have an easy run on Saturday rather than my normal long run. Let's go back to Friday and recap my weekend shall we?

On Friday night, I ended up taking a Barre class and then getting in an extra 4 miles to bring the total to 12 for the day. After all this work, I was HUNGRY so thankfully Jimmy John's was there to curb my hangriness. On Saturday, we decided to go camping instead rather than backpacking so we headed out to the Flat Tops Wilderness to grab a campsite (it's around a 30 minute drive from where we live). We found a great campsite and headed home to get some errands done and pack things up! I managed to get in a 6 mile easy run on my (NEW TO ME!) treadmill. Alex found the treadmill beside the road for free and it works SO WELL. I feel really steady on it and am so excited to see all the snow and ice this winter now! 

We headed back out and settled in at our campsite! We ended up right next to Bear Lake so we brought the kayaks and got in a paddle at sunset! We actually got to see several beaver swimming next to us which was really exciting. 

We were also able to have a fire, so we definitely did smores!

I also experienced (what I believe) is the best thing ever on Sunday morning- waking up after the BEST NIGHTS SLEEP! Both of us said that we can't remember the last time that we slept so well. We did a short hike around the lake and headed home to get prepping for the week ahead! 

How was your weekend?

Is getting a really good nights sleep the best thing ever?

Smores- yay or nay?