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Last Week's Training Rundown 6/18-6/24

Happy Humpday! This week may be exceptionally long, but I'm already looking forward to next week! We have both Tuesday & Wednesday off for July 4th, so I am already daydreaming about all the things I'd like to do those two days! Currently trying to decide between an awesome hike or relaxing day(s) by the water... what are your plans for the holiday?!?

SO I'm still not technically following any training plans (July 1st begins my next "official" training cycle) and honestly- I've been pretty lost! Don't get me wrong, I have loved just doing what I want whenever I wanted, but I also seriously miss the regimen of a training cycle. I think that's why I've come to love marathon training so much. I love the challenge that each week brings and seeing my fitness improve over each week. BUT I also know how important this break was for my legs/ our relationship (marathon training is a huge time commitment to both myself AND Alex) / mind etc. I put together my training plan for Rock n Roll Las Vegas (running the marathon again) and will give you a little preview of it on Friday! This is the first plan for a marathon where I've kinda made it my own- I took the plan from Hanson's Marathon Method and gave it some tweeks based on my past experiences with it to help get me to the start even more prepared than ever before!

Last week, I had "loosely" planned to fit in a 20-23 mile long run and that did not happen. I was originally disappointed, but I also looked at it as a sign that I wasn't really ready for it yet. I know I still have my fitness (both physical & mental) from my relay to carry me across my 50k finish line in a few weeks and while I love to be prepared for races, this is my first one so I'm going in with no expectations other than to finish with a smile on my face and cross it off my bucket list. I know it will absolutely hurt (probably even more so since I haven't trained "hard" for it), but I think half the battle with long races is knowing that there will be pain and then learning how to deal with it. 

Monday 6/18: 6 miles @ 9:37 pace 699' elevation gain. 30 minutes of strength

Tuesday 6/19: Rest Day

Morning Run! I forgot how beautiful Summer Mornings can be!

Wednesday 6/20: 6.2 miles @ 9:17 pace (mile 4.2-5.2 alternating 0.10 with fast surges at low 7's) 193' elevation gain. 20 minutes of strength

Thursday 6/21: 3.5 miles @ 10:28 pace 308' elevation gain. Trail Run!

Friday 6/22: 7.27 miles @ 12:03 pace 1,254' elevation gain. Trail Run #2! Straight Up Emerald Mountain!

Originally planned 20-23 miles, but felt good with 11 miles. When I'm in my "off season", I think it's really important to not push past your mental "done" mentalities. When I'm training --> I think it's absolutely necessary to push past those mental blocks to get stronger. 

Saturday 6/23: 11.26 miles @ 10:18 pace. 643' elevation gain. Trail Run #3 by the lake! 30 minutes of strength

Sunday 6/24: 30 minutes of recovery yoga & Day #1 Meditating with Headspace!

Total Mileage: 34.23 miles / 3, 097' elevation gain

Do you prefer to follow a training plan or use it more as a "guide"?

Trail Running - yay or nay?