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How To Get In A GREAT Workout When You Only Have 30 Minutes

I really love a good sweat session. Like, I really REALLY love it. I love the feeling afterwards and the natural 'high' that I get. I also know that I accomplished something. BUT some days I don't have an hour (or sometimes more) to spend on my fitness and really want to get down to business and get out (while feeling like I actually did something) in just 30 minutes. Since I'm thinking I may not be alone on this (but who knows....), I wanted to share with you some ways that help me feel like I got a big workout in with little time. Remember, these are my own opinions and please pleaseee consult a doctor before starting any sort of new workout regimen! Workout smart, train smart, and you'll be on your way to a great training plan!

  • Split it up into 15 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of strength. Add in strength training workouts that work multiple muscle groups like split lunges, planks, side planks, and push-ups (these are all some of my staples in my strength training). 
  • Do a few rotations with either sprints/ fast cycling/ stairclimber and 2-3 of your favorite strength training moves. This one STILL kicks my butt every time. I would do some mountain climbers, push-ups, and walking lunges then hop on the treadmill @ 3% incline for 5 minutes and repeat this cycle 3 times. By the end, I was completely exhausted and really don't think I could've gone any longer!
  • Try a short run then follow-up that up with some yoga for 20 minutes. While this one is less intense, it leaves me feeling really centered and ready to begin my day (or wind-down at the end of the night). 


  • Do your own mini 'triathlon'. This doesn't necessarily mean you need to do the whole swim/bike/run thing, but make up your own! This is also really great when you tend to get bored on one exercise machine. Try doing 10 minutes on the elliptical at a moderately hard pace, 10 minutes on the spin bike, and 10 minutes on the treadmill (maybe even on an incline)! OR mix it up with new machines and give them a try!

Stella does NOT like hill repeats....

  • Find a hill and run/walk up it (and repeat!). This one is definitely SO difficult but it really works so many different parts of your body! I live on a hill (that's roughly a mile long/ was part of ski mountain at one point) and getting up that baby has never been easy, but doing hill repeats on it has made it seem easier when I only have to do it once!

What's your go-to for workouts when you only have 30 minutes?

Hill repeats- love 'em (you're crazy..) or hate 'em (sane...)?!