Life Updates Lately, Discount Codes For You, and How I'm Building Back Up

It’s been a MINUTE. I have been so busy and am super thankful that today was a snow day. I ~finally~ feel like I’m almost caught-up on life lately. It has been a whirlwind since the beginning of November. Let’s start by saying that we finally got a wedding date- June 6, 2020! So a lot of my time has honestly been spent putting together our website, ordering save the dates, and invitations. We’ve got a lot already planned, but it’s taken up so much of my free time! Cheers to finding the perfect venue and getting married in 6 months!


I am also officially obsessed with this coffee! Anyone else tried it? I might need to stock-up before it goes away.


We’re all decorated for the Holidays over here! We put our tree up the day after Thanksgiving (the earliest we’ve EVER done)! Who else has their tree up already?


I also feel like this almost all the time right now. 2 weeks until finals!


Brady is still trying to poison himself over here- this time with red berries from our Holiday decorations.


I also started back up running a few weeks ago (YAY)! I’m not going to lie, it was really challenging to get out the door the first few runs. I was super sore after my first 3 miler back (hard to go down the stairs sore) and then it slowly started to feel easier. It felt so good to be back to my old running routes, but my brain definitely had a hard time adjusting back to the ‘longer duration’ activity mode. I had to keep pushing through the tough parts to get miles in the first 5-6 runs, then it started to ‘click’ again. Perfect timing for my Providence Marathon training to start back up again after the New Year! I also really missed the morning sunrises.


I found that when I wasn’t running I was a bit more anxious, had less energy, and missed the daily structure that running gives me! I filled my time with a lot of yoga (jasyoga is my favorite platform!), barre on-demand videos (I used the free trials!), and doing strength work at the gym. We also started eating mainly plant-based a few weeks ago, which helped take my mind off running and I think it helped me ease into the diet. I don’t think I would have been able to switch my diet and be in crazy-intense marathon training right now! My goal for the next few weeks (probably until the end of the year) is to get between 30-40 miles per week. This week, my plan is to run 6 days a week with each at 5 mile increments, along with 3 quality strength training sessions (normally around 30-40 minutes). I’ve also reached out to a run coach to get some insight into what I can improve upon in my training for the future!

PS while you’re here, come sign-up and run the Providence Marathon with me! The swag that you get for both the full and half marathon looks AMAZING!


There’s also still time to sign-up and train for the Bahamas Marathon happening in January! We were planning on going, but with the wedding date set we really need to focus on saving funds for that. Hopefully next year we’ll be able to go because I’ve always wanted to run on an island!


Checking In: Keeping Track of My Mileage, Currently Obsessed Over, This Was Nice

HI! I’m HERE! Things have finally FINALLY settled down a bit, but WOW am I surprised at how crazy-busy life has been lately. Between moving things in, having our first guests visit (Alex’s parents), two exams in one week, and running less-than-ever, I have really had NO free time. Any free time that I have had, I’ve been trying to fit in a run or maybe maybe five spare minutes to read before falling asleep.

As I’m typing this, I was questioning whether I even wrote my 50 miler race recap. Oy. I’m tired. I did, however, run one of my fastest 5ks ever!


We also made it on our first hike last weekend! Up Black Cap mountain and it was so nice. Hoping to get in another good hike this next weekend. I just really loving being in the mountains here whenever possible.


I also did a WHOLE LOT of studying last week. Probably way more time than I should have, but I’ve been loving all of my classes lately!


Gilmore Girls- always applicable in everyday life. Also, my view almost everyday:


I’m hoping to do a full recap of how the first 6 weeks of Nursing School has gone- so look for that at the end of the week. I certainly won’t be holding anything back or sugar-coating it all (if you were wondering). I’ve also been obsessing over ice cream stands and twists in a cone again. Soooo good.


I’ve also been skipping some runs lately. Don’t get me wrong- I LOVE to run, but I’m also really enjoying this new season in my life where I’m trying out other activities (hiking, cycling, strength training) and just generally enjoying the perks of not being in serious training mode. So, my sneakers may be in my car waiting for that run that I just never got to that day and I’m not worried.


"Disclaimer: I received an Strava Summit Membership to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!"

Since I’ve basically put all of my personal life stuff on hold lately, I’m also REALLY thankful for Strava to keep track of my weekly mileage.


Also, how cool is it that they partnered with my last race and the photos directly linked with my Strava account? I also really love how you can track so many activities (including YOGA!), it can keep track of your elevation gain (so awesome when you do races like Mt. Washington!), and get kudos from your friends after your activity (important when you run solo most of the time like me to still feel like you’re part of a community)!


I will have my Mt. Washington Road Race recap up for you tomorrow (look at me all organized again!) and hopefully my nursing school first 6-weeks experience and what it’s been like to leave a full-time salaried job to go back to school on Friday.


How do you keep track of your running mileage?

Favorite thing about Summer?

Ice cream- soft or hard serve?!

Exploring And Eugene Marathon Race Recap

You can find my Eugene Marathon Race Recap HERE.

You know when you’re on vacation and are thoroughly confused as to what day it is? Yeah. That’s me. Writing this on a Tuesday, but it kinda feels like a Friday? IDK. At least we have this lovely view to look out at (no matter what day it is).


We also visited the Sea Lion Caves and they were so AMAZING. It was pretty incredible to be able to see the Sea Lions in their natural habitat as opposed to being in a zoo. I thought that the entire area was really well-done and didn’t seem to be disrupting the natural environment of the coastline.


I’m bridging my training from marathon to 50-miler and it’s been really nice to just throw paces out the window. As long as I get the mileage in, I’m not too worried about how long it took me. I’ve been doing a run/walk to transition and allow my body to recover from the race (alternating 3 min run with 2 min walk) and will probably continue to do some version of this through the rest of this week. Also doing some more incline walking on the treadmill to get my Glutes ready for the Mt. Washington Road Race next month!

Don’t forget to check out my Eugene Marathon Race Recap HERE.

I DID IT and How I Log All These Miles?!?

Wohooo! Marathon #7 was a success! 1 minute PR despite stomach cramps that came on around mile 14 & not being able to take another one for the remainder of the race!


I’ll have a more detailed update for you later this week, but my mom and I are enjoying exploring Oregon the next few days : )



"Disclaimer: I will be receiving a Strava Summit Membership as I review Strava as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!"

I thought it would be fun to share with you one of the ways that I keep track of all my runs, mileage, and elevation gain—> Strava! I’ve just started using this platform a few weeks ago and LOVE the simplicity of it. I don’t need to type anything in, hit record, or hit save other than have it already linked up to my Garmin (I have the Forerunner 235 & LOVE it). It gives me the option to set goals for myself for the week, upload photos, and connect with other runners from all over the U.S.!


If you’re maybe the one to be motivated by challenges (AND want to be held accountable for them), they have those too! You have to do your activity outdoors for it to count, which is perfect for those Spring/Summer/Fall months when you’re not confined indoors.


Also they have CLUBS you can join. I’m still finding new ones all the time, but some of my favorites include a local Steamboat Springs Trail Running club, Honey Stinger, BibRave, Nuun, and Strava itself!


Make sure to follow me along on Strava, so we can give each other kudos and motivate others to get active outdoors everyday!


-Are you on Strava?

-Anyone else run a race this weekend?!? How’d it go??

-Any tips/recommendations for us to eat in the Portland area? We’re driving around the state a bit, then will be back there later this week!

Taming The Taper Crazies

Friday-eve! This week has kinda flown by, which is to be expected since we are now officially in the TAPER (…for the marathon at least ; ) ….)! I cannot believe that I’ll be running my 7th marathon in my 12th state in 11 DAYS!?!? I am so lucky to have maintained my fitness and health through some crazy winter stress-filled months and will be celebrating the last 12 months of fitness during race day. I can’t WAIT!

Flashback to yesterday’s run in PERFECT weather. Mid 40’s partly cloudy, damp trails.


I ran to the library with my vest to pick up my new book that I reserved there WEEKS ago! Can’t wait to dive into it.


I also then went to the gym to get in some strength work (since my membership is ending there at the end of April I want to use it as much as possible! I don’t use the gym as often in the summer months & do most things at home!) and then picked up the mail for my work (and there was A LOT of it so I got in some extra training for my ultra with all that extra weight). Also saw what I believe was an Osprey on my run back to work?


Oh the joys of mud season. Your car is dirty, but do you gamble the dice and wash it (and hope that it doesn’t rain for a while) or do you leave it dirty for the season? Well.. I took the former and it snowed/rained, so at least it was nice and shiny for a whole 4 hours right?!?



Since we are officially in the taper, I thought it would be fun to share some of the things that I normally do in the taper! I’d also love to hear what you do, so make sure to comment below!

  • DO NOT question your fitness

  • Look back over those crazy-hard runs/workouts that you conquered

  • Prepare for the race mentally. How will you feel at mile 1? Mile 10? Mile 20? Crossing that finish line?

  • Have some of your favorite mantras and practice them over and over again. Having just one may work for you, but I find having a few help (especially when I’m in a rut)!

  • Visualize yourself on the race course the best you can. I see myself driving my elbows back, my knees up - staying strong and steady

  • Know your nutrition plan and DO NOT alter or adjust it no matter how crappy you feel on race day. Know what works for you and DO IT!

  • Believe in yourself and be proud that you’ve made it this far. No matter what lies ahead of you on race, be proud of your accomplishments and OWN them! Don’t let anyone dull your shine.

  • Have a time goal? Repeat to yourself that you are a ‘x’ marathoner/ half-marathoner / 10k-er. I haven’t actually tried this in a race, BUT I have been taking every opportunity to repeat to myself that I am a sub- 3:40 marathoner. If you don’t believe it, then how can you expect it to come out on race day?

  • Read all the inspiring books you can leading up to the race.

    • Some of my favorites:

      • Finish First- Scott Hamilton

      • Let Your Mind Run- Deena Kastor

      • North - Scott Jurek & Jenny Jurek

      • How Bad Do You Want It - Matt Fitzgerald

  • Treat yourself before and after the race! I love to get my nails done, some like to get their hair done before…whatever works for you and then have something lined up to do AFTER the race. I love to pick out some sightseeing destination (if I’m not running at/near home) or some amazingly delicious restaurant reserved


-Favorite taper recommendations?

-Are you superstitious? Do you do anything special before a big race?

-Car wash in mud season? Yay or Nay?