Eugene/50 Miler Training RUNdown Week 18: 4/22-4/28

I’m having so much fun adventuring along the Oregon coast! It is SO beautiful here.

BUT I’m equally missing these two cuties and can’t wait to give them a good squeeze tomorrow.


I will have my race recap up for you tomorrow and can’t wait to share it all with you (with no details left out ; ) ….). BUT for now, here is last weeks’ RUNdown of what I did leading UP to the marathon. I kept everything the same, except I did one less strength training session and all of my miles did not go above 6 and were all at a very easy pace. I did notice that I had a really challenging time keeping my legs at a slower speed because they were just so excited to RACE! I also felt oddly calm towards the marathon and never really had any sort of pre-race anxiety or nervousness like I usually do.

Monday, 4/22: 6.11 mi EZ 9:53 113’ up , 10 min on the stairclimber (37 floors climbed), & 20 min strength


Tuesday, 4/23: 6.29 for 29th birthday miles easy @ 9:46 131’ up


Wednesday, 4/24: 6.02 miles EZ 9:58 118’ up & 15 min strength


Thursday, 4/25: 6 miles EZ 9:55 339’ & 10 min soak in the hot springs


Friday, 4/26: Flight to Oregon!

Saturday, 4/27: 3.76 miles to shakeout 9:49 pace 6’ up


Sunday, 4/28: Race Day! 26.31 miles 8:47 pace 311’ up


Total Mileage: 54.48 miles

Total Elevation: 1,018’