Eugene/50 Miler Training RUNdown Week 14: 3/25-3/31

Last week was a recovery week and I’m surprised at how many days it took me to recover from the week before! I think these recovery weeks have been key in insuring that I have time to rest and not get sick. Normally I catch a cold/ sinus infection at least once per cycle, but so far- I have had none! I also focus on sleeping in during these weeks and got up early to run just one day. I still maintain my strength work and really focus on listening to my body - if it’s tired or not feeling speed work, then I just do the mileage as easy miles instead.


Monday, 3/25: 3.43 miles easy at 10:22 13’ up - after work in the sunshine!


Tuesday, 3/26: 1.5 mi warmup / 9 miles tempo (actual - 5.5 miles and my legs felt like jelly. cut it short / .5 mile cool down & extra strength—> i.e. extra wall squats ; )


Wednesday, 3/27: Rest day!


Thursday, 3/28: 6.26 miles easy at 9:58 79’ up & strength


Friday, 3/29: cross training day! 130 stairs climbed & 1/3 mile swim. Followed by soaking in the hot springs


Saturday, 3/30: Rest day! Yoga

Sunday, 3/31: 6.54 miles easy at 9:53 561’ up & strength. Finally felt back to normal on this run and legs felt really good.


Total Mileage: 23.73 miles

Total Elevation: 653’ up