Eugene/50 Miler Training RUNdown Week 17: 4/15-4/21

Monday, 4/15: 6.04 miles easy 10:51 894’ up, 1.92 miles easy to & from the gym, & strength


Tuesday, 4/16: 7. 5 miles with 1.17 warm-up/ 4 x 1 mile (400 R) @ 8:41, 8:17, 8:15, 8:09 / 1.25 cool down. Originally had 6 x 1 mile repeats, but I took more time to foam roll & stretch in the morning rather than run. Focusing more on warming my body up before putting it through a hard workout.


Wednesday, 4/17: 6.1 miles easy at 9:55 123’ & strength. I brought my ultimate direction backpack, picked up a book from the library, ran to the gym & did some strength, picked up probably 5 Ibs worth of mail, and ran back to work. It was beautiful out there, but my backpack sure was heavy on the way back —> extra cross-training for my 50 miler ; )


Thursday, 4/18: 1.5 mile warmup, 3.03 miles @ goal marathon effort (8:30) - taught skating for 30 minutes - finished up my run with 7 miles @ goal marathon effort (8:30) with some strong headwind in sections (I swear it changed directions on me even when I hit the turnaround point) , 1.57 miles cool down. Felt strong, relaxed, and focused on my form (mainly engaging my core & knee drive UP to the sky) during the run. I didn’t really want to stop running at the end!


Friday, 4/19: 8.15 total miles. Started on one trail and pretty quickly hit super slush. Switched to another trail and got in a bit longer run before I hit slush, so finished it up on the roads. It was so nice to get out on the trails though! 682’ up 10:44 pace


Saturday, 4/20: 8.01 miles easy 10:37 574’ & yoga. I kept wondering what I would do if a Mountain Lion popped out in front of me. I still have no idea what I would do. Also ate a meatball sub & ice cream before this run. It wasn’t nearly as terrible as I anticipated it to be, but will probably not make it a habit of eating that before running. Ha. Some recovery yoga post-run rather than strength because that is what my body was telling me it wanted.


Sunday, 4/21: REST DAY

Total Mileage: 50.72 miles

Total Elevation: 2, 464’ up
