Workout Wednesday: How To Start Running

Happy Hump Day! I’m on Day 3 of orientation and it’s been a lot of videos/ self-guided learning. We also got fit-tested for two different types of respirators (N95 and 7700). It’s funny how you definitely feel like Darth Vader when you try those out! I also got to explore the new running trail that’s here- Rail Trail that extends for 57 miles! I certainly didn’t run the full trail, but I did get in an easy 7 mile run.


I thought it would be a good idea to share some tips on how to start running or pick-up running again since physical activity is SO important during the Pandemic. Maybe you’ve tried running a few times, maybe you got injured, maybe you thought it was too hard, or maybe you’re just unsure if it’s for you. ALL of these thoughts are OK- they are normal! Be kind to yourself and know that starting any new activity takes time and patience. You will not be super fast at the beginning nor will you be crushing all the miles (it took me 4+ years of on-again off-again running to even get above a 10:00 min/mile and over 35 miles a week).

Tip 1: Start Small

Start with run/walks (maybe 30 seconds running/ 1 minute walking) and go for a short distance. Do this for several weeks and don’t try to run everyday. Maybe you do this once a week - that’s great! Maybe you can start to do it two times a week- something is better than nothing! Be kind to yourself.


Tip 2: Get some good running shoes

I remember I had some really terrible shoes when I first got started (pretty sure they were on super sale and were not meant for running) and that didn’t help me stick with it. Now, you do not need to go spend a lot of money on gear/running shoes - just make sure to select shoes that fit well, meant for running, and you feel GOOD when you put them on. I can’t tell you how much better I run and feel when I’ve got on gear that I LOVE.


Tip 3: If it feels hard, then know that is NORMAL

Running is hard work and there are very few runs that feel really good. Remember- if you feel pain/short of breath -> this is NOT NORMAL. Also remember to see your physician before starting any new physical activity routine. It’s funny how as children, we would always run everywhere and then somewhere along the way, running no longer felt ‘normal’ -> just really really challenging. I was certainly never fast (nor will ever be breaking records), however sticking with it and training helped me get faster over time.

Tip 4: Be patient

Nothing good ever happened over night and it typically takes 21 days of starting a new routine to make it stick. I always find that starting a new routine is easy for me for the first 10 days or so, but then that third week is when it gets challenging. Know that this is normal and to stick with it. Find a support system, a buddy to go on runs with, a race to train for, or a goal to work towards. Maybe you want to run for a mile/ a 5k (3.15 miles)/ to the next stop sign. Whatever your goal is, be your own cheerleader. Be kind, be patient, be persistant.



What tips do you have to someone wanting to start (or start again) running?

What helps get you out the door?

Anyone else find that 3rd week really challenging?